Chinese bitcoin mining in pictures

From ChinaFile – photos from Photographer Liu Xingzhe documenting Bitcoin ‘mines’ in China.

Employees use their phones at the Bitcoin mine, September 26, 2016. The mine has 550 “mining machines” running continuously. They solve complicated mathematical problems for which they are rewarded with Bitcoins. Seven employees work in shifts monitoring the machines to keep the mine running 24 hours a day.

Photographer Liu Xingzhe traveled to Sichuan’s Ngawa (Aba) Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, some 175 miles from the provincial capital of Chengdu, to explore not only the operations of these [Bitcoin] mines, but also the lives of the “miners” who spend their days tending to whirring legions of machines. He also traveled to Shenzhen to see the factories where the world’s finest Bitcoin mining machinery is engineered and produced.

See all of Lio Xingzhe’s photos.

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