
This page collects together the translations I have made of works by and about Bernard Stiegler and works related to his project. I am an amateur translator with only a working knowledge of French, augmented by reference materials, so please take all of these translations as ‘working’ texts rather than polished prose. I am indebted to both Patrick Crogan and Dan Ross for their help and encouragement in this work.

Digital shadows and (En)light(enment) – the second half of the ‘Net blues’ interview with Bernard Stiegler for the Laws of the Networks [Lois de réseaux] blog. It focuses on the development of a new industrial politics (of ‘enlightenment’) founded in education.

Bernard Stiegler: “On holiday we attempt to rediscover the consistence in our existence” – An interview with Bernard Stiegler discussing the need to take time to ‘deprogram’ the inimical consumerist tendencies we absorb from an increasingly mediatised capitalism – published on the Philosophie magazine website.

Bernard Stiegler: “Salaried employment will become uncommon” – An interview with Bernard Stiegler concerning ‘participatory’ economics – published on the OuiShare conference website.

We are coming to the end of the Fordist model, we must move to a mode of contribution – An interview with Bernard Stiegler discussing his concept of an economy of contribution – published by Without Model.

The Digital Future of the University – An article by Bernard Stiegler expressing his belief in the need for developing the tools and the discourses for reframing the relationship between education/knowledge and its media supports. Published on the (francophone) online network for discussing digital technologies Mediapart.

The ‘Net blues’ – The first of two pieces recorded by Bernard Stiegler for the Laws of the Networks [Lois de réseaux] blog, part of the newspaper Le Monde, concerning the ‘pharmacological’ nature of the’digital revolution’: the ways in which our use of the digital both opens up new ways of living and, at the same time, constitutes great risks to our collective and, importantly, mental individuation.

Bernard Stiegler on MOOCs and education – A brief interview with the website Inriality on the theme of the digital requiring us to, collectively – as a society, rethink education.

Bernard Stiegler: Open data is “an event of a magnitude comparable to the appearance of the alphabet” – Interview conducted by the Microsoft France Regards sur le Numerique website.

The Wager of Sublimation (by Philipe Petit) – Introduction to the book of interviews Économie de l’hypermatériel et pyschopouvoir (The hypermaterial economy and psychopower).

“We are entering an era of contributory work” – Interview conducted by the Rue89 website.

Overconsumption and the Economy of Contribution – Interview conducted by the Fondation Macif.

The Economy of Contribution – Ars Industrialis Glossary entry.

The membrane as a limit in processes of individuation – an excerpt from a piece in Cahiers Simondon by Baptiste Mozirot