Works by Bernard Stiegler in English
Stiegler, Bernard 1993 “Questioning Technology and Time”, trans. Beardsworth, R. and Sumits, A., Tekhnema 1: 31–44.
Stiegler, Bernard, 1996 “Persephone, Oedipus, Epimetheus”, Beardsworth, R., Tekhnema 3 pp. 69-112.
Stiegler, Bernard, 1998 “The Time of Cinema” trans. Collins, G., Tekhnema 4 pp. 62-113.
Stiegler, Bernard 1998 Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus. trans. Beardsworth, R., Collins, G., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
Stiegler, Bernard 2002 “Derrida and technology: fidelity at the limits of deconstruction and the prosthesis of faith”. trans. Beardsworth, R.., in: Cohen, T. (Ed.) Jaques Derrida and the humanities: a critical reader. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 238-270.
Stiegler, Bernard 2003 “Our ailing educational institutions“, Culture Machine 5, online, trans. Herbrechter, S., (no pagination).
Stiegler, Bernard 2006 “Philosophising by Accident“, trans. Barison D., Ross, D., & Crogan, P., Public 33, pp. 98-107. (An excerpt from Acting Out).
Stiegler, Bernard 2006 “Nanomutations, hypomnemata and dramatisation” trans. Collins, G., (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard 2006 “Within the limits of capitalism, economizing means taking care” (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard 2006 “To Take Care” trans. Arnold, S., Crogan, P., Ross, D. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2006 “Spirit, Capitalism and Superego” trans. Collins, G. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2006 “The Disaffected Individual in the Process of Psychic and Collective Disindividuation” trans. Ross, D. and Crogan, P. (available from: – an extract from the third chapter of Mécréance et Discrédit: Tome 2. Les sociétés incontrôlables d’individus désaffectés (Paris: Editions Galilée, 2006).
Stiegler, Bernard, 2006 “Anamnesis and Hypomnesis: The Memories of Desire”, trans. Gleyzon, F., Technicity, Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, pp. 15-41 [A slightly different translation of this piece, with the subtitle ‘Plato as the first thinker of proletarianisation’ can be accessed online:].
Stiegler, Bernard, 2006 “Mystagogy: On contemporary art”, in Backstein, J., Birnbaum, D., and Wallenstein, S (Eds.) Thinking Worlds: The Moscow Conference on Philosophy, Politics, and Art. Sternberg Press, Berlin & New York, pp. 31-46.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2007 “Technoscience and reproduction”, trans. Winkler, R., Parallax 13 (4), pp. 29-45.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2009 Acting Out. trans. Barison, D., Ross, D., Crogan, P., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2009 Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation. trans. Barker, S., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2009 “The Magic Skin; or, The Franco-European Accident of Philosophy after Jacques Derrida” Qui Parle 18 pp. 97-110.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2009 “Teleologics of the Snail: The Errant Self Wired to a WiMax Network“, trans. Couze, V. with Collins G., Theory, Culture & Society 26 (2-3), pp. 33-45.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2009 “The Theater of Individuation: Phase-Shift and Resolution in Simondon and Heidegger” trans. Lebedeva, K., Parrhesia 7 (46-57).
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 Taking Care of Youth and the Generations. trans. Barker, S., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010[?] “Biopower, psychopower and the logic of the scapegoat” (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 For a New Critique of Political Economy. trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 Technics and Time, 3: Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise. trans. Barker, S., Stanford University Press, Stanford.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 “The Carnival of the New Screen”. In: Snickars, P., Vonderau, P. (Eds.) The YouTube Reader. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, pp. 40-59.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 “Memory“, Critical Terms for Media Studies, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 64-87.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 “New Industrial Temporal Objects”, trans. Collins, G., in: Earnshaw, R., Guedj, R. (Eds.) Frontiers of Human-Centred Computing, Online Communities and Virtual Environments. Springer Verlag, London, pp. 45-460.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 “Telecracy against democracy” trans. Turner, C., Cultural Politics 6 (2), pp. 171-180.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2010 “The age of de-proleterianisation: Art and teaching art in post-consumerist culture“, trans. Ross, D. in Corcoran, K. Delfos, C. & Solleveld, F. Eds. Art Futures: Current issues in Higher Education, Amsterdam: ELIA, pp. 10-19.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 The Decadence of Industrial Democracies (Disbelief and Discredit, vol. 1). trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “Suffocated desire, or how the Cultural Industry destorys the individual: Contribution to a theory of mass consumption“, trans. Rossouw, J. Parrhesia 13, pages 52-61.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “Desire and Knowledge: The Dead Seize the Living” trans. Collins, G., Ross, D. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “The digital as a bearer of another society“, trans. Ross, D., Digital Transformation Review, pages 43-50.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “Pharmacology of Desire: Drive-based Capitalism and Libidinal Dis-economy”, trans. Ross, D., New Formations 72 pp. 150-161.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “The Pharmacology of Spirit”, trans. Ross, D., in: Elliott, J., Attridge, D. (Eds.) Theory after ‘theory’. Routledge, London, pp. 294-310.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “The Tongue of the Eye: What ‘Art History’ Means”. trans. Arthur, T., in: Khalip, J., Mitchell, R. (Eds.) Releasing the Image: From Literature to New Media. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, pp. 222-236.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2011 “Distrust and the Pharmacology of Transformational Technologies“., trans. Ross, D., in Zülsdorf, T., Coenen, C., Fiedeler, U., Ferrar, A., Milburn, C. and Wienroth, M. (eds.) Quantum Engagements: Social Reflections of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, Heidelberg, IOS Press/ AKA, pp. 27-39.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “Die Aufklärung in the Age of Philosophical Engineering”, keynote speech at the World Wide Web conference 2012, Lyon, 20th April (text available online:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012 “Relational Ecology and the Digital Pharmakon“, Culture Machine 13, online, trans. Crogan, P. (no pagination).
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012 “The proletariansiation of sensibility“, Lana Turner Journal 4, online, trans. De Boever, A. (no pagination).
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012 Uncontrollable Societies of Disaffected Individuals (Disbelief and Discredit, vol. 2). trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012 “Die Aufklärung in the Age of Philosophical Engineering“, Computational Culture 2, online, trans. Ross, D. (no pagination).
Stiegler, Bernard, 2013 “Teleologics of the snail, or the errant self wired to a WiMax network”, trans. Couze, V. with Collins G., in Ekman, U. (ed.) Throughout: Art and culture emerging with ubiquitous computing, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, pp. 479-492 [see also the earlier 2009 version in ‘Theory, Culture & Society’].
Stiegler, Bernard, 2013 “The indexing of things”, trans. Collins, G., in Ekman, U. (ed.) Throughout: Art and culture emerging with ubiquitous computing, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, pp. 493-502.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2013 “Die Aufklärung in the Age of Philosophical Engineering“, trans. Ross, D., in Hilderbrandt, M., O’Hara, K. & Waidner, M. (eds.) Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2013 – The Value of Personal Data, Heidelberg, IOS Press, pp. 29-39.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2013 “The most precious good in the era of social technologies”, in Lovink, G. and Rasch, M. Unlike Us Reader: Social media monopolies and their alternatives, trans. Riemans, P. Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 16-30.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2013 What Makes Life Worth Living: On Pharmacology. trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2013 “Doing and Saying Stupid Things in the Twentieth Century: Bêtise and animality in Deleuze and Derrida“, trans. Ross, D., Angelaki 18 (1): pp. 159-174.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2014 The Lost Spirit of Capitalism (Disbelief and Discredit, vol. 3). trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2014 Symbolic Misery, Volume 1: The hyperindustrial époque. trans. Norman, B., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2014 Re-Enchantment of the World: The value of the human spirit vs. industrial populism. trans. Arthur, T., Bloomsbury, London.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2014 “On Abbas Kiarostami’s Close Up“, trans. De Boever, A., Parrhesia 20: pp. 40-48.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2014 “Programmes of the improbable, short-circuits of the unheard-of“, trans. Hughes, R., diacritics 42(1): pp. 70-108.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2014 “the Shadow of the Sublime: On Les Immatériaux“, trans., Ross, D., in Hui, Y. and Broeckmann, A. (eds.) 30 Years After Les Immatériaux, meson press, Lüneburg, pp. 147-157.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 States of shock: Stupidity and Knowledge in the 21st Century. Pharmacology of the university. trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 Symbolic Misery, Volume 2: The Catastrophe of the Sensible. trans. Norman, B., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 “Democracy, Consumerism and Industrial Populism”,trans. Ross, D., in Dwivedi, D. and V, S. (ed.) The Public Sphere from Outside the West, Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 17-20.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 “Literate Native, Analogue Natives, Digital Natives: Between Hermes and Hestia”, trans. Ross, D., in Dwivedi, D. and V, S.(eds.) The Public Sphere from Outside the West, Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 213-224.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 “Automatic Society 1: The Future of Work – Introduction”, trans. Ross, D., La Deleuziana 1: pp. 121-140.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 “The uncanniness of thought and the metaphysics of Penelope“, trans. de Boever, A., Flanders, G. and Harrison, A., Parrhesia 23, pp. 63-77.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2015 “Annotation, navigation, electronic editions: toward a geography of knowledge“, trans. Casey Beal, J., Chiasma 2: pp. 109–24.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 Automatic Society, Volume 1: The Future of Work. Trans. Ross, D., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 ‘Ars and organological inventions in societies of hyper-control‘, trans. Ross, D., Leonardo 49 (5), n.p.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 “Preface”, trans. Ross, D., in Hui, Yuk, On the Existence of Digital Objects, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 “The digital, education, and cosmopolitanism“, trans. Bates, D., Representations 134: 157– 64.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 “”We have to become the quasi-cause of nothing – of nihil”: an interview with Bernard Stiegler“, with Bart Buseyne and Judith Wambacq, Theory, Culture & Society, online early.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 “The formation of new reason: seven proposals for the renewal of education”, in Barney, D. et al. (eds.), The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age, trans. Ross, D., University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London, forthcoming.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2016 “General ecology, economy and organology”, in On General Ecology, trans. Ross, D., Bloomsbury, London.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2017 Philosophising by Accident: Interviews with Elie During. Trans. Dillet, B., Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Co-authored and Interviews
Derrida, Jacques; Stiegler, Bernard, 2002 Echographies of Television: filmed interviews. Bajorek, J., Polity, Cambridge.
Stiegler, Bernard; Hallward, Peter, Gaston, Sean, 2007 “Technics of decision” Angelaki-Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 8 (2), pp. 151-168.
Stiegler, Bernard; Hubaut, Sandrine, 2007 “The True Price of Towering Capitalism: Bernard Stiegler Interviewed” Queen’s Quarterly 114 pp. 340-350.
Stiegler, Bernard; Venn, Couze; Boyne, Roy; Phillips, John; Bishop, Ryan, 2007 “Technics, Media, Teleology: Interview with Bernard Stiegler” Theory, Culture & Society 24 (7-8), pp. 334-341.
Stiegler, Bernard; Rogoff, Irit, 2010 “Transindividuation” e-flux 14 (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard; O’Gorman, Marcel, 2010 “Bernard Stiegler’s Pharmacy: A conversation” Configurations 18 (3), pp. 458-476.
Stiegler, Bernard; Crogan, Patrick, 2010 “Knowledge, Care and Trans-Individuation: An Interview with Bernard Stiegler” Cultural Politics 6 (2), pp. 157-170.
Stiegler, Bernard; Lemmens, Peter, 2011 “This System Does Not Produce Pleasure Anymore: An Interview with Bernard Stiegler” Krisis 2011 (1), pp. 33-41.
Stielger, Bernard; Neyrat, Frédéric, 2012 “Interview: From Libidinal Economy to Ecology of Spirit“, Parrhesia 14, trans. De Boever, A. pp. 9-15.
Stiegler, Bernard; Roberts, Ben; Gilbert, Jeremy; Hayward, Mark, 2012 “Bernard Stiegler: ‘A Rational Theory of Miracles: on Pharmacology and Transindividuation’“, trans. Roberts, B., New Formations 77, pp. 164-185.
Seminar notes
Terence Blake has very kindly made available his translations of Stiegler’s notes for the 2012 seminar series delivered by Stiegler for the Acadamie de l’Été at l’Ecole de Philosophie de Epineuil-le-Fleuriel, a school of philosophy set up and run by Stiegler and Ars Industrialis.
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “From Nicholas Carr to Plato: From pharmacology to organology” [notes], seminars 1 & 2, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “The insufficiency of destruction” [notes], seminar 3 part 1, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “the dialectic from dialogue to analysis” [notes], seminar 3 part 2, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “On positive pharmacology and brain plasticity” [notes], seminar 4 part 1, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “From reading brain to digital brain” [notes], seminar 4 part 2, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012, “From archive to neuropolitics” [notes], seminar 5 part 1, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
Stiegler, Bernard, 2012 “Reading as individuation” [notes], Pharmakon,fr seminar 5 part 2, trans. Blake, T. (available from:
I have created an EndNote file for some of these references, which you can download here. See also the Wikipedia page for Bernard Stiegler, where there is a fairly comprehensive list of Stiegler’s work as well as a list of secondary literature that addresses his work.
Following Ben Robertson’s lead, and courtesy of Daniel Ross’ Twitter stream (and with his permission), this is a list of Bernard Stiegler’s work translated into English. Many of these translations are by Ross (notably Acting Out, For a New Critique of Political Economy, Taking Care of Youth and the Generations and The Decadence of Industrial Democracies). Not included in Dan Ross’ list, apparently, are several unpublished works.
My sincere thanks to Dan Ross for posting this information and to Ben Robertson for marshalling it into a single place. I have tried to identify the translators where possible and provide links where they may be meaningful. I was introduced to Stiegler’s work by my colleague Patrick Crogan and it has proven useful to my research, and indeed Robertson’s, this bibliography is very timely and tremendously useful, I hope it is to you too.
For more on Dan, who directed the fantastic The Ister and wrote Violent Democracy, see his Wikipedia page.
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