Review of Mitchell’s Me++ 10 years on

A few months ago David Beer, reviews editor at Information, Communication & Society, invited me to submit a review of William J Mitchell’s Me++: The cyborg self and the networked city as part of a review symposium marking the 10th anniversary of the book’s publication. The review is now available in the ‘online first’ section of the journal’s website.

David has blogged about the review on his own website:

The third review of William Mitchell’s Me++ has now been published on the online first section at Information, Communication & Society. It’s a really lively review by Sam Kinsley. This is a new section I’ve developed that provides reviews of important books during significant anniversaries. The idea was to provide a space for reflections on older books to complement the usual book review focus on newness. In this case it is 10 years since Me++ was published. I’m hoping to do a revisiting the classics symposium every year (if anyone has an idea for a book to revisit in 2014 just let me know). The Me++ section will be published in issue 16.9 around October this year. The review by Sam Kinsley will be accompanied by reviews from Roger Burrows and Mark Johnson.

I enjoyed contributing to this review section, it is interesting to return to Mitchell’s work – not least to reflect on how much my own ideas have changed since being an undergraduate!

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