Getting to know your coffee – interview with ‘La Perla’

I don’t really blog about my other obsession, which is coffee. By coffee I don’t mean the poor excuse of an insipid brown liquid one brews from the rubbish found in supermarkets but what is frequently referred to as ‘speciality’ coffee. I will be forever indebted to my friend Frank of Twoday Coffee Roasters who has taught me pretty much everything I know and opened out an astonishing variety of tastes and experiences that this amazing drink can bring. Please check out the great mugs Frank and his wife Petra sell online.

Now, Stephen Leighton of Has Bean Coffee, one of the biggest importers in the UK if not Europe, produces an interesting vlog called ‘In My Mug’ and during a recent visit to Guatemala interviewed the owners of the ‘La Perla‘ farm, which was ranked in the Cup of Excellence programme in the last couple of years. This interview is a fascinating opportunity to get to know something of the people who are producing incredible coffee. Hats off to Mr Leighton for this.

Part 1

In My Mug La Perla Special from Stephen Leighton on Vimeo.

Part 2

In My Mug La Perla Special pt 2 from Stephen Leighton on Vimeo.

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